Flora McLachlan RE
Flora McLachlan lives on the shifting misty ground of a bog in West Wales. She is an artist working in traditional etching, stone lithography, paint, performance, and film. She has a degree in English from Oxford University and an MA in Fine Art from Aberystwyth School of Art. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers and of the Royal Cambrian Academy.
Flora’s work responds to the landscape around her and makes intuitive connections between place, and remembered and dreamed stories. She investigates the idea of inspiration; a breath from elsewhere which directs the artist in their work. She sees this state as a receptive, shamanistic mode, so she uses ritual and divination in her work to provoke unexpected happenings. The copper etching plate enters the acid bath as into a witch’s cauldron; working like this, she invokes the imagined power of writing incantations and casting spells.
Her work is in the collections of the British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum and HM the Queen.